Monday 2 February 2015

Intro to me!

OK, full disclosure, this wasn't going to be the first post. I had a whole long post about wedding venues written up, and I was proud of it....then I accidentally deleted it. THE HORROR! After being seriously annoyed about this for a few days, I decided to try again.

So this time, here's a bit of background on me.
I like things that are a little out of the ordinary, so when it came to planning my wedding it was never going to be a big, traditional affair. My fiance and I are both in the entertainment industry, as are most of our friends, and I think often this makes you a bit non-conformist by default. Throw in our love for rock, punk, alternative and emo music (ok the emo is me, not him) and we'd already hit upon the motto for our wedding plan-"breaking the rules".
There were things about "traditional" weddings that really weren't us, or we outright didn't like. So we decided to do away with them. Ripping up the rule book is liberating, but can be a little scary too when taking on something as big as organising a wedding.
James, my other half, plays in a wedding band regularly so has been to more weddings in the past few years than a lot of people do over a lifetime. Safe to say, he knew exactly what he didn't want. Oh, and we've got very little money to play with, in weding terms. Apparently the average wedding in the UK costs £20-30k. We're thinking more, £6-8k. And so, this is where this blog comes in. To try and chart the highs and lows of planning a dream wedding day, our way, within our budget. Hopefully you can pick up some tips and inspiration along the way if you're planning your own!

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